Playbook Output on 3.9.1 live quadrupled

Hey, after update the foreman, the live output of a playbook is quadrupled in a loop.

If we refresh the session it looks normal, also post loaded logs. Only live view is strage.

Is this a known issue?

What version are you on?

Hi aruzicka, it’s

Pulpcore, Logs, Dynflow, Script, and Ansible 3.9.1
foreman-tasks 9.0.1
foreman_ansible 13.0.3
foreman_remote_execution 12.0.5
katello 4.11.0

we eventually managed to track this down to this issue[1]. The fix was merged, but hasn’t reached 3.9 repos yet.

[1] - Bug #37242: Live output replicates multiple times just as the job finishes - Foreman Remote Execution - Foreman

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thanks a lot