Plugins release automation

Hi -dev,

The other day I spent some time writing a simple bash script to automate
foreman-docker releases so that the only input would be the version
number, name and email:

All it does is:

  • Change version.rb and tag repo, submit to
  • Modify RPM spec and submit pull-request
  • Modify deb sources and submit pull-request

It has a lot of room for improvement, but I think it'd be possible for
other plugins (especially if they don't maintain 2 separate main
versions) to take it. Thoughts?

··· -- Daniel Lobato Garcia



> It has a lot of room for improvement, but I think it'd be possible for
> other plugins (especially if they don't maintain 2 separate main
> versions) to take it. Thoughts?

Nice. But as long as there is no dry run, I would be too scared to try
it out.

··· -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal