The port 8443 is already deprecated and will be closed soonish with one of the upcoming releases.
Use case 1: Image based deployment with static IP address
- with DHCP image based deployment using finish template is possible, but without DHCP the server to be deployed has no network configuration yet and cannot be addressed via SSH
- deployment with user data and cloud init
- „Standard“ templates provided by template proxy (either foreman or foreman-proxy) via port 8000,
However cloud init template is only provided by foreman via https://foreman-url/userdata/user-data via port 443 and provided not at all by foreman-proxy. Therefore, when using cloud-init via foreman-proxy port 8443 needs to be referenced to obtain the cloud-init from the foreman-server.
Without workaround there is no known possibility for image based deployment with static IP for hosts without direct connection to foreman-server.
Use case 2: external puppet server
- external puppet server (neither running on foreman or foreman-proxy)
- reports and facts can be forwarded to foreman so reports and facts for the client servers are listed there, see
Foreman :: Manual
Foreman :: Manual
In the foreman.yaml foreman itself is addressed via port 443 (also on foreman-proxy), for puppet servers without direct access to foreman. However it was possible to address foreman-proxy via port 8443 to upload reports and facts to foreman. Without port 8443 and no other solution all puppet servers have require to address foreman on port 443 directly.
Are the use-cases of poört 8443 known? Is there a plan for solutions to support these use-cases?