I can’t preview hosts after search query when i want to run a job template.
Expected outcome:
I can preview all hosts.
Foreman and Katello versions:
Foreman 3.4
Katello 4.6
Chrome Debug
I can find “http 414 Request-URI Too Long” when I use chrome debug
My Tries
I increase http “LimitRequestFieldSize” and “LimitRequestFields”.
But it didn’t work for me. The issue still exist now.
[root@foreman-server httpd]# cd /etc/httpd/conf
[root@foreman-server conf]# grep Limit httpd.conf
LimitRequestFieldSize 8190
LimitRequestFields 100
[root@foreman-server conf]# vim httpd.conf
[root@foreman-server conf]# grep Limit httpd.conf
LimitRequestFieldSize 40960
LimitRequestFields 40960
[root@foreman-server conf]# foreman-maintain service restart --only httpd.service
Running Restart Services
Check if command is run as root user: [OK]
Restart applicable services:
Stopping the following service(s):
| All services stopped
Starting the following service(s):
/ All services started [OK]