Problem make Connection Api with PHP

I'm not familiar with the python-foreman but the Warning just says that the
API version you are going to use is v1. However the code should still work
as it is just a warning. Are there any other errors?
You can switch to version 2 (which is the current default and recommended)
using api_version parameter [1]



··· On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:56 PM, junaid ali wrote:

Can some one please tell me how to access foreman using python api

i just have installed python 3.4 on my system which compatible with
foreman python api this one

and using below code which is defined on

from getpass import getpass>>> from foreman.client import Foreman>>> f = Foreman(‘http://myforeman.server:3000’, (‘myuser’, getpass()))

but each time i run my script gave me this error
WARNING:root:Api v1 will not be the default in the next version, if you still want to use it, change the call to explicitly ask for it. Though we recommend using the new and improved version 2

and This code not works
Your help will be very appreciated


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