Problem upgrading from physcal 3.11.2 on EL8 to vm Foreman 3.2.1 on EL9

We have a physical server running foreman 3.11.2 katello 4.13 on EL8 and and moved to a vm foreman 3.2.1 katello 4.14 EL9
Shutdown physical server
Deploy EL9 vm and install Foreman 3.2.1 Katello 4.14
Restore pulp data from backup
Run dnf update from any of the hosts

After upgrading to new vm and restoring the pulp data, the host clients hang on subscription-manager

Expected outcome:
Hosts to be able to run dnf
Foreman and Proxy versions:
3.11.2 → 3.12.1
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
foreman-installer --scenario katello

Distribution and version:
Other relevant data:
The VM is turned off and won’t be able to capture more data until Saturday.

When I bring up the server on Saturday, any suggestions on what to look for in the logs?

foreman-maintain service status

Is Candlepin (tomcat) showing OK?

You can also try tailing /var/log/foreman/production.log while attempting to register.

Thanks for the quick response, I’ll definitely check candlepin and the production logs. Also these hosts are already registered from the backup.

foreman-maintain restore /location/of/the/backup

@jeremylenz thanks for your response, I went ahead and redeployed the VM and ran the restore. The previous restore finished sooner than expected so I suspect the issue may have been with the restore.

I rebuilt the vm and ran the playbook with the following foreman-installer settings:

      foreman-installer --scenario katello -l ERROR \
          --foreman-initial-organization "MY ORG" \
          --foreman-initial-location "MY LOCATION" \
          --foreman-initial-admin-username "MY USER" \
          --enable-foreman-plugin-remote-execution \
          --enable-foreman-proxy \

The foreman-installer worked as expected, after the installation I ran foreman-maintain restore -y /backup/katello-backup-(latest date) took longer then the previous restore and completed as expected. The restore added all the settings from the physical server and the hosts connected to the server as expected

Thanks again, this is an awesome platform!