Problem with ansible runner and Debian 10

There is no release of ansible runner for debian 10. That is why I compiled ansible runner from source for my debian 10/foreman machine. Now, whenever I run the foreman-installer, it creates /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ansible-runner.list with “deb buster main” then the installer calls apt-update, which fails because there is not “buster” in that ansible repo.
I commented/removed the line/file. Then a manual “apt(-get) update” is working, but the foreman-installer is not.

Expected outcome:
foreman-installer respects my changes or gives me the opportunity to tell it how I want it done. Basically my goal is to make it working obviously.

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
foreman-tasks 1.1.1
foreman_ansible 5.0.1
foreman_discovery 16.0.1
foreman_remote_execution 3.2.0

Distribution and version:
Debian 10.3

Other relevant data:
I am sorry, I dont have the exact error message here right now, but it said that apt-update returned status 100 instead of 0.

PS: In foreman-installer --full-help I found “–puppet-server-check-for-updates”. Is this related to this issue?

Hi, thank you for your answer! I found that one, too, while I was trying to get it running in the first place. I see that the ansible-runner team did not release it for debian10. I do not blame the foreman-team for that =)

My main problem is, that the foreman-installer insists on that repo ("deb buster main”) and I do not know how to tell it, not to care about that.

I am sorry, English is not my first language. If I can’t make myself understood, please tell me.

Thanks again for your effort!

You can use the installer parameters --foreman-proxy-plugin-ansible-install-runner and --foreman-proxy-plugin-ansible-manage-runner-repo to control related behaviour.