Problem with unattended PXE Install

Can’t change url Parameter in Kickstart File
Changing Unattended URL in Administer->Settings->Parameter-Provisioning has no effect
Expected outcome:
beeing able to change the url parameter in kickstart file from hostname to ip
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
katello 3.10.0
Other relevant data:
[e.g. logs from Foreman and/or the Proxy, modified templates, commands issued, etc]
(for logs, surround with three back-ticks to get proper formatting, e.g.)


Have you exited build and re-entered build mode for an existing host? Changing the setting will not schedule redeplyoment of PXE files.


changing the Parameter in the Settings doesn’t have any effect anywhere.
i even created new hosts, which still have in their kickstart file the setting as original:


url --url http:///pulp/repos//Library/Testing/custom/CentOS_7/CentOS_7/

i need to replace the FQDN in this URL by an IP Address.
What is supposed to happen when the Parameter “unattended Url” in the Settings is changed ?
In the meantime the system has been updated to
Foreman 1.21.3
Katello 3.11.1

Still the same behaviour


Isn’t the url path dictated by the media chosen for the relevant OS ? I don’t think the unattended url is relevant in this scenario…


Yeah, I haven’t realized you have katello installed. When using katello plugin, unattended_url is actually not relevant and the hostname is actually Content Source smart proxy.

I’m only interested in changing the FQDN in the URL Parameter to an IP Address.
Is this possible and if yes, how ?


Not possible, Content Source defines this when Katello is installed and that is FQDN because of X509 certificates bound to it.