Product discovery yum repo

I recently installed Foreman 3.11 and Katello 4.13. When i try to use the product discovery for rockey repositories its not working. I tried 3 or for different repositories but no luck. Any suggestions how to fix it?

I dont get any error that i know of.

Hi there! :slight_smile:

Am I getting this right, you are having issues to use the “Repo Discovery” function with the Rocky Linux repositories?

Could you add a bit more information about what exactly is not working as intended?

Thank you!

Hello @dsexton18 could you be experiencing this issue?

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That sounds right i am running Foreman on Rockey 9.4.

I am in the same boat. I am hoping this gets fixed soon.

This may be fixed by Bug #37159: Get rid of unmaintained anemone - Katello - Foreman which is marked for Katello 4.13.1.

You are correct @jeremylenz, there is no information about a release date yet. Although the code changes have been merged into main branch of katello. I am trying to get an idea of the release date for 4.13.1.

@dsexton18 and @jeremylenz looks like its coming soon according to the post that one of the devs made in the issue I linked above.

FWIW, @jeremylenz is much more a Katello dev than I am :wink:

Partha just posted the release process: Katello 4.13.1 Release Process

So probably some time next week for the release, if all goes well.

Awesome! Thank you all for you work on this!

I just checked this morning, Katello 4.13.1 was released sometime with in the past day or so. I am now able to use the repo discovery feature.