Foreman 3.11/Katello4.13 - Repository Discovery - Fails to find anything

Problem: When i run a discovery against any url even “Index of /client” it finds nothing, This is a fresh install of Foreman/Katello on a RHEL 9 server

Expected outcome: discover all repos under the URL

Foreman and Proxy versions: 3.11.0

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: 3.11.0/4.13.0

Distribution and version: RedHat 9.4

Other relevant data:

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I have successfully reproduced this on Foreman 3.10.0, so I’d say the URL works:

Unless this is a Foreman 3.11-specific issue, it might be temporary network issues or any HTTP proxy/connection issues in between. Was there any error message? On my machine, it took over a minute to find those Yum repositories.

That’s most probably because of it running on EL9, as the gem we use doesn’t work with modern Ruby. It is being worked on in Bug #37159: Get rid of unmaintained anemone - Katello - Foreman

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Hello all,

Thank you for this post. I am experiencing something very similar to cflannigan. Is there a workaround that can be tried to resolve this issue?

Information about my setup:
Foreman and Proxy versions: 3.11.0

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: 3.11.0/4.13.0

Distribution and version: Rocky Linux 9.4

There is none, sorry.

Thank you @evgeni, I have been trying to follow the issue on the bug tracker and on github. Do you know of a rough release date for Katello 4.13.1 (I think that was the release where the issue was tracked).

Nope, but I believe the idea is “soon” (as in days/weeks, not months)

Awesome! Thank you so much!

I just checked this morning, Katello 4.13.1 was released. Repo discovery is now working. I have noticed that you do have to hit cancel to stop scanning the repo. But after that you are able to select what you want and create the selected repos.

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