> Hi Jeff,
> > I've read the documentation and it's not clear at all what the steps are
> to
> > doing this. I create an OS, install media, and everything else I found
> by
> > randomly clicking around the interface. No surprise, it doesn't work.
> By 'it doesn't work' you mean you get an error, you don't get the OS
> provisioning at all, it's provisioned but Salt doesn't run…?
At the moment I can't even define a host. In an earlier attempt I was able
to get further but the node still failed to boot saying it could not find
its kernel image and I couldn't find anything on how to generate that.
> Is there a provisioning guide that outline the steps needed? Can anyone
> > shed light on how to do this? Can Foreman even provision a stateless
> node
> > or am I stuck with kickstart and such to a disk?
> I'll try to outline what you need:
> * Foreman (seems like you have this one already)
> * Smart-proxy for TFTP/DNS/DHCP/Salt and foreman_salt plugin
> - if you don't have it, install it using
> Foreman :: Plugin documentation index
The salt plugin is installed already. I'm not concerned with Salt at the
moment, that's for later.
> Are you provisioning on some cloud or your own virtualization solution
> (vmware/libvirt, etc…)? Do you want to provision from PXE or from an
> image?
My test box is a VMware VM which I boot the same way the production
physical boxes will: PXE. I don't understand the second question. In any
of the cluster management tools I've used you need to create an "image"
then set nodes to PXE off of it. If you are talking about something like a
VMware template, no not that. I have a CentOS ISO, a box running Foreman,
and a few dozen physical machines waiting for an OS, nothing else.
> Normally this are the steps you would follow to create a host in foreman:
> * Create an OS, associate it with an installation media and
> provisioning templates. If it's CentOS 7, just associate it with the
> default Kickstart PXE, Kickstart user-data, etc…
> * Click on Hosts/new host
> * Choose where to deploy it (Bare metal/virtualization solution…)
> * Choose an OS
> * Click on Submit
Where I'm currently stuck is when defining a new host is makes me pick a
partition table and there is nothing to select in the drop down. In fact,
the box is unclickable. I see a bunch of partition tables are defined
under "Hosts –> Partition tables", why can't I select one of them?
> After that Foreman will:
> * Send a request to the smart-proxy to pull the PXE templates if needed.
> * Create a DNS/DHCP reservation for the host if needed
> * Turn on the host / create the virtual machine
> When the host boots it will:
> * Fetch PXE stuff to start the installation process
> * The installation process will contact Foreman to fetch the intial
> kickstart
> * CentOS 7 will get installed automatically according to the kickstart
> * Run a 'finish' kickstart which will setup Salt, etc… and inform
> Foreman that the host is built.
> * Reboot
> At this point you should have a provisioned CentOS7 host. If you didn't
> have PXE enabled and you decided to provision from an image, Foreman will
> run
> an SSH script after the host is built to configure it instead of
> downloading the OS.
> There are fancier ways of provisioning hosts in Foreman but this is the
> most basic.
> Let me know if that helped, or at least at which step through this
> process you're stuck on. Thanks for trying it out and contacting us for
> help!
I'll re-ask one of my questions in case someone has an answer: Can Foreman
provision stateless (sometimes incorrectly called "diskless") nodes or can
it only install to a disk with bare metal provisioning?
On Friday, February 5, 2016 at 12:50:08 PM UTC-8, Daniel Lobato wrote:
> On 02/05, Jeff White wrote:
Daniel Lobato Garcia
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