Foreman supports provisioning hosts running Debian and Ubuntu on VMware, Proxmox, cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure, and bare metal hosts.
With the Katello plug-in, provisioned and registered hosts receive versioned DEB content based on their lifecycle.
This blog article is a short summary of what happened behind the scenes to provisioning hosts running Ubuntu 20.04.3+, why you need new templates, and how to use the new deployment mechanism.
Thank you for a very heklpful article! However, it doesn’t detail how the Subscription agent (Foreman Client) is deployed to the newly generated host.
I end up with an Ubuntu server with a minimal apt config for only the main Ubuntu repo, as Preseed Autoinstall cloud-init user data disables multiverse, backports, security and updates.
How do we get a host deployed that uses local repos (Foreman + Katello) with the Foreman Client from Atix automatically installed?