Provisioning Ubuntu Autoinstall

Foreman supports provisioning hosts running Debian and Ubuntu on VMware, Proxmox, cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure, and bare metal hosts. With the Katello plug-in, provisioned and registered hosts receive versioned DEB content based on their lifecycle. This blog article is a short summary of what happened behind the scenes to provisioning hosts running Ubuntu 20.04.3+, why you need new templates, and how to use the new deployment mechanism.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Thanks for the post, having followed along the steps listed on the blog, i am stuck at the PXE installation.

Apologies for the document uploaded, it only allowed me to upload one document, hence combined all the screenshots in one file.

The Virtual Machine issues a error -

error: invalid magic number.
error: you need to load the kernal first