Puppet 6 for EL9 availability

This is not an issue with Foreman, per se, but with a supporting project – namely Puppet 6 for Enterprise Linux 9 (EL9)

Specifically, the well-known URL for the latest puppet6 el9 release is not present on the puppet repo site. Usually, this link would be:


This URL is referenced by standard Foreman provisioning templates (Kickstart default, etc.) when provisioning a new host. After provisioning, I was able to manually install the latest puppet release from this URL:


It’s just a question of Puppet Labs posting the well-known link to the latest release. Does anyone know their schedule, or how to raise this with the puppet devs?

NOTE: Same issue with puppet7 for el9.



We should be using the repo files from the top level. This is fixed for 3.5.0:

Wow – That would do the trick! I look forward to the 3.5 release.

Thanks for the quick response.


@ekohl IMHO we can safely backport that to 3.4 too?


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