Puppet CRL not found when using foreman-installer

I’m trying to install Foreman on a brand-new VM with foreman-installer and a scenario. Instead it gives an error:

$ sudo dnf --assumeyes module switch-to ruby:2,7
$ sudo dnf --assumeyes module switch-to postgresql:12
$ sudo dnf --assumeyes install https://yum.puppet.com/puppet7-release-el-8.noarch.rpm
$ sudo dnf --assumeyes install https://yum.theforeman.org/releases/3.9/el8/x86_64/foreman-release.rpm
$ sudo dnf --assumeyes module enable foreman:el8
$ sudo dnf --assumeyes install foreman-installer
$ sudo foreman-installer --scenario scripted-scenario
[NOTICE] [root] Loading installer configuration. This will take some time.
[NOTICE] [root] Running installer with log based terminal output at level NOTICE.
[NOTICE] [root] Use -l to set the terminal output log level to ERROR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, or DEBUG. See --full-help for definitions.
The file /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem does not exist.
 - is Puppet already installed without Puppet CA? You can remove the existing certificates with 'rm -rf /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl' to get Puppet CA properly configured.
 - if you set custom revocation list (--foreman-server-ssl-crl) make sure the file exists.
[ERROR ] [root] The file /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem does not exist.
 - is Puppet already installed without Puppet CA? You can remove the existing certificates with 'rm -rf /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl' to get Puppet CA properly configured.
 - if you set custom revocation list (--foreman-server-ssl-crl) make sure the file exists.

But I have not installed Puppet separately, the scenario does not provide a custom CRL and /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl subfolder are empty. Creating an empty CRL file only leads to other errors.

Expected outcome:
The installer runs.

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
AlmaLinux 8.9

Other relevant data:

Also tried to change the order in the scenario, but didn’t help:

- puppet
- foreman
- foreman_proxy