Puppet generated facts not being seen when using the api

I can see that both custom facts and facts generated by falcon crowdstrike in the GUI and within manifests eg

I can see them in a json file under direcctory /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/server_data/facts

But I’m having trouble seeing them with the api to foreman.

response = requests.get(foreman_url + ‘/api/hosts?per_page=all’ , verify=ssl_certs, headers=headers, auth=(username, marks_api_token))
content = json.loads(response.content)

I get lots of facts, but not the ones I happen to be interested in!

Expected outcome:
Well, facts about falcon which I can see elsewhere? Or indeed my custom facts I have created and can also see in the GUI and within puppet.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
foreman.noarch 3.11.1-1.el9
foreman-proxy.noarch 3.11.1-1.el9

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:

Other relevant data:
I’m not doing this work often so might be in a twist somewhere. I was thinking I needed a puppetdb but have tried that with no success. I don’t normally use the API so there could obviously be something I’m overlooking.

I would accept advice to start again if this works for others - I can start again as I’m migrating a service and right now I just have two hosts on so its no big deal to start again.

Any pointers to offer.

Ah, found it :

had to use fact_values instead of hosts and numeric pages instead of “all”


List all facts as it says in the documentation:
API documentation
and the /api/hosts I used is a higher level of information not really what I was after.
OK sorry for bothering you !! Thank-you me!