Puppet not sending facts to Foreman


I'm currently having problems updating Foreman's facts from Puppet. I think
the problem may have started with the update to Puppet 3.4.2 or Foreman

I am using Puppet 3.4.2 and Foreman 1.3.2, and on Ubuntu 12.04.

From /var/log/foreman/production.log on the Puppet Master (host names and
IP addresses edited):

Started GET "/puppet/node/host.example.com?format=yml" for at Thu
Jan 23 08:59:23 +0000 2014
Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
Parameters: {"name"=>"host.example.com"}
Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 175.1ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 4.3ms)

So, some part of the communication is working. However, I then get:

Started POST "/puppet/api/hosts/facts" for at Thu Jan 23 08:59:25
+0000 2014
Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON
Parameters: {"name"=>"host.example.com", "certname"=>"host.example.com",
"facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "host"=>{"name"=>"host.example.com", "
certname"=>"host.example.com", "facts"=>"[FILTERED]"}}
wrong number of arguments (4 for 3) (ArgumentError)

…long Ruby backtrace snipped…

Rendered api/v2/errors/standard_error.json.rabl (0.6ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 11.6ms (Views: 1.7ms | ActiveRecord:

I believe I have correctly updated to the latest node.rb and
foreman-report.erb and restarted Foreman in the meantime. I can't seem to
trace the function that is being passed the wrong number of parameters,

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the problem?



This is the clue - it's the default-hostgroup plugin that's causing the
issue. Looking at the SHA in that error message, you're using the latest
'master' branch, rather than the 1.0.1 gem release (SHA:
8fa9727996672d96fab772d37aa81d9d91fc433d). Could you change to that version
and retest?


··· On 23 January 2014 09:22, Philip Blakely wrote:

wrong number of arguments (4 for 3) (ArgumentError)

Hi Greg,

> This is the clue - it's the default-hostgroup plugin that's causing the
> issue. Looking at the SHA in that error message, you're using the latest
> 'master' branch, rather than the 1.0.1 gem release (SHA:
> 8fa9727996672d96fab772d37aa81d9d91fc433d). Could you change to that version
> and retest?

Thanks for your reply. A very silly question, how do I do this?

I didn't appear to have foreman_default_hostgroup installed, when I ran
"gem query" .
I have now done "gem install foreman_default_hostgroup" so that gem query
displays it as version 1.0.1. However, no more foreman_default_hostgroup-*
folders seem to have shown up, and I get the same problem, even after
restarting foreman, apache2, and puppet.

Just before you replied, I had managed to fix the problem by removing the
proxy_id parameter and restarting services.



Grep bundler.d for "default_hostroup" and see if it's been added in there.
Simply installing it via "gem" won't affect how Bundler loads libraries.


··· On 23 January 2014 10:43, Philip Blakely wrote:

Thanks for your reply. A very silly question, how do I do this?

> Grep bundler.d for "default_hostroup" and see if it's been added in there.
> Simply installing it via "gem" won't affect how Bundler loads libraries.

So, Gemfile.local.rb had:
gem 'foreman_default_hostgroup', :git =>
which would explain why I was on the latest git version rather than 1.0.1.
I've now made this read
gem 'foreman_default_hostgroup'

but I've now got into a state where I get
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/bundler/runtime.rb:74:in `require': no such file
to load – audited/activerecord (LoadError)

when I try to start Foreman.



Hi Greg,

OK, I've got it working now. I'm not sure how I managed to get bundler into
a confused state, but for the benefit of anyone who gets this or a similar
problem I ended up doing:

Edited /usr/share/foreman/bundler.d/Gemfile.local.rb to remove the svn
reference for foreman_default_hostgroup
cd /usr/share/foreman
mv vendor vendor.old
bundle update
bundle install
chown foreman:foreman -R vendor (very important; I was running as root, so
the files were otherwise hidden to Foreman)
service foreman start

At least I think those were the important steps; I need to go and learn
more about Ruby/Gems/Bundler…

Thanks for your help.
