Query on packages across organization on same server

Problem: We have created 4 organizations(org1, org2,org3,org4) in foreman katello. We have synced the repos in default organization. We want to apply some rpm filter on the synced repos and we want it to go under org1.

For eg: After complete sync, In the default organization, I have excluded mysql packages and promoted the content view with the exclude filter. We want that content view to it go under org1. Sameway, I have excluded openssl packages and promoted the content view with exclude filter*(in default organization), which should go under org2. Is there anyway on this, If yes, Please guide us for the same. There should not be any duplicate repo’s between the organization as it will occupy the storage. So we just want to share the repo’s which are under default organization to other organization in the same server but with some exclude/include filter.

Expected outcome: we just want to share the repo’s which are under default organization to other organization in the same server but with some exclude/include filter.

**Foreman and Proxy versions:**Foreman 3.13 katello 4.15

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

**Distribution and version:**Rocky 9

Other relevant data:

Pulp will de-duplicate the actual RPMs on disk, so while yes you need to define all the repos and filter individually for each organization, your storage consumption will only increase for the metadata, not the packages.