Question about changing functional tests for API v2 to update docs on

The API v2 docs on are automatically generated using from the functional tests using the apipie-rails gem.

The current docs show a root node in POST/PUT calls such as

POST /api/operatingsystems
"operatingsystem": {
"name": "awsome_os",
"major": "1",
"minor": "2"

In order to generate docs without a root node like this:

POST /api/operatingsystems
"name": "awsome_os",
"major": "1",
"minor": "2"

then we need to update the functional tests to not have a root node.

What do people think about changing nearly all the POST/PUT functional tests?

Rails, using config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb automatically wraps the parameters into a root node, since that the controller requires the parameters to be in a named root node

def create
@operatingsystem =[:operatingsystem])

so the actual parameters received look like this

"name": "awsome_os",
"major": "1",
"minor": "2",
"operatingsystem": {
"name": "awsome_os",
"major": "1",
"minor": "2"

Note, that "path generated" params are not wrapped by Rails. For example

POST /api/architectures/1/operatingsystems

has a parameter {"architecture_id": 1} but it is not wrapped in the "operatingsystem" root node. Here is a good explanation

