Questions on

Two questions to the Infra SIG about

First one is about discovery and fdi_image. I would like support for this being a possible file repository for use with pulp. So at least Index of /discovery/releases/latest and Index of /discovery/nightly would need to include a PULP_MANIFEST, perhaps all the directories. Should be quite simple to implement and is a good case of dogfooding in my opinion. If you agree, should I open an issue for it on Github?

The second one came to my mind when looking into other directories if there are similar cases. Would a cleanup, perhaps followed by some additional documentation make sense to tidy it up?

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Having Pulp manifests for easier syncing seems like a good idea to me, yeah.

Cleanup I am always a bit hesitant, given people might be still using old links, but I also wouldn’t say “no” (a cleanup for storage space sake wasn’t necessary so far, for organization… maybe)

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Issue PULP_MANIFEST for discovery on · Issue #2205 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub opened, thanks in advance!

Thanks, added it to the infra board to be discussed when we meet next time

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