Regenerate oauth_consumer_key and oauth_consumer_secret


Is it possible to regenerate oauth_consumer_secret and oauth_consumer_key secrets for Foreman (Katello). Do i need to change it on proxies also after that, not only in * /etc/foreman/settings.yaml*?
Old oauth secrets kinda “leaked” and i would like to change them.


OAuth credentials are only used to communicate with the API to register a Smart Proxy. That part is done by the installer. So you can rotate them without seeing any issue at runtime, but the next time you run the installer on a Smart Proxy you must provide the proper credentials. The register part also refreshes features, which is important for proper functionality on upgrades (or changes like installing a new feature).

You can rotate them on the Foreman server:

foreman-installer \
  --foreman-oauth-consumer-key "MY_NEW_KEY" \
  --foreman-oauth-consumer-secret "MY_NEW_SECRET \
  --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-key "MY_NEW_KEY" \
  --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-secret "MY_NEW_SECRET"

(It would be great if this was more dynamic and you didn’t need to supply it twice, but we don’t have that now.)

Then on any Smart Proxy:

foreman-installer \
  --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-key "MY_NEW_KEY" \
  --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-secret "MY_NEW_SECRET"
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