Release notes and headline features for 2.3

Release notes for 2.3

This section will be updated prior to the next release.

Headline features

Release Notes


Upgrade warnings

  • Index and column named digest on SQL tables messages and sources will be dropped during db:migrate step and replaced by more effective hash index on column named value. While we are working on redesigning how reports are stored in the SQL database, hash indices are faster and use significantly less memory storage than btree in this case. Our tests indicate that on a standard VM, index creation rate is at 18 million records per minute, this step should be from seconds to several minutes depending on size of the tables.
  • Report creation via /api/v2/config_reports/ REST POST no longer returns the full report for performance reasons. Only basic metadata like database ID is returned, when full report is needed query the same REST resource via HTTP GET method to fetch it. More info at


We’d like to thank the following people who contributed to the Foreman {{page.version}} release:

update scripts/committers.rb with the correct versions and dates and fill this in

As well as all users who helped test releases, report bugs and provide feedback on the project.


Please open a PR against directly to update it

There is another thread where I am opening discussion about moving release notes into a separate document. If that is something that we agree on, I’d like to move the content. But if you think it’s too late and we are too close to the release then I can indeed file a PR.

Correction, this thread was indeed meant for version 2.3.0 but since we are so late with 2.2.0 release I haven’t realized this.