Release team meeting 2023-03-22

Present: @ekohl (chair/notes), @lfu, @cintrix84, @Odilhao, @Zhunting

Foreman 3.7

  • @ekohl to post Schedule and Planning

Foreman 3.6

Foreman 3.5

Same regression in Smart Proxy was picked to 3.5.2, so that’s a good reason for 3.5.3.

Foreman 3.4

Declared EOL now 3.6.0 is released. We still want to be ready to do a release in case Katello 4.6 needs it (which isn’t EOL yet), so the pipelines should stay in place.

Katello 4.9

  • No updates

Katello 4.8

Katello 4.7

Katello 4.6

  • While Foreman 3.4 is EOL, Katello shouldn’t be cause 4.8 is still in RC and we always want to keep 2 releases supported.

Other issues

Move release team meeting to Monday

Releases are usually planned early in the week (usually Tuesday) so having the meeting on Wednesday makes it hard to discuss issues before we proceed. Moving it to Monday allows for a go/no-go style meeting.

Process changes

Currently open PRs:

Being worked on:

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