Release team meeting 2023-09-13

This is the agenda for the meeting

Foreman 3.9

23:20:03  + ./build_stage_repository foreman-client nightly el9
23:20:03  Traceback (most recent call last):
23:20:03    File "./build_stage_repository", line 13, in <module>
23:20:03      import dnf.comps
23:20:03  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dnf'

Part of the COPR migration. @ehelms is working on this.

Foreman 3.8

Foreman 3.7

Foreman 3.6

Katello 4.11

  • Nightly broken until 4.10 is available on the mirrors
    • As of meeting, the Katello 4.10.0-rc2 packages are available and the nightly pipeline is green.

Katello 4.10

Katello 4.9

Katello 4.8