Release team meeting 2024-06-26

Present: @ekohl (chair, notes), @iballou, @Partha_Aji, @Odilhao

Here are today’s meeting notes.

Foreman 3.12

According to the schedule (Foreman 3.12 Schedule and Planning) we’re almost at the half way development point.

Foreman 3.11

Working on GA release: Foreman 3.11.0 release process. Technically released, but not announced yet.

Foreman 3.10

Nothing to mention.

Foreman 3.9

Will be EOL once 3.11 is GA, which is any moment now. Can effectively be considered EOL already.

Katello 4.14

@cintrix84 will be the release owner.

Katello 4.13

Release process to be posted by @Partha_Aji.

Katello 4.12

4.12.1 announced: Katello 4.12.1 is now available

Katello 4.11

Together with Foreman 3.9 this will go EOL once 4.13.0 is officially announced.