Release Team Meeting - 2024-07-31

Foreman 3.12

3.12.0 Schedule

  • Cole (chiggins) new Release Owner!

Foreman 3.11

3.11.2 TODO | 3.11.2 DONE | CI Overview

Foreman 3.10

3.10.1 TODO | 3.10.1 DONE | CI Overview

Katello 4.14

Katello 4.13

  • 4.13.1 Released

Katello 4.12


  • Updating to a backwards incompatible Pulp post-branching

As mentioned in the agenda, we have Cole as a release new release owner. Most of the time was spent on onboarding him. Most it should already be covered in GitHub - theforeman/theforeman-rel-eng: Release engineering scripts

Concrete action item is that @ekohl will make sure he has the correct permissions. Then he’ll work on posting the branching procedure.