Release Team Meeting - 2024-09-03

Foreman 3.12

3.12.0 Schedule | 3.12 Branching Process

  • 3.12.0 RC2

Katello 4.14

4.14 Branching

  • 4.14.0 RC2

Other Releases

Foreman 3.12

For 3.12.0-rc2 there have been various cherry picks and it’s almost ready to go. The release process needs to be posted.

In addition to that, the release notes have been improved. Not everything (headline features, deprecations) were there when rc1 was announced.

Foreman 3.11

Like with 3.12, various cherry picks have been done and the release process is ready to start.

Foreman 3.10

This one has fewer cherry picks, but a release will be done regardless to close out the series. It will be EOL once 3.12 is GA (planned in about 2 weeks).

Katello 4.14

RC2 is being prepared.