Foreman 3.13
- For Zeitwerk we still want to get 2 plugins released:
- foreman_virt_who_configure. Developers struggled with their environment and Only add katello as a dependency if not already declared by ekohl · Pull Request #202 · theforeman/foreman_virt_who_configure · GitHub can help with that.
- foreman_rh_cloud: Add Zeitwerk loader support by ofedoren · Pull Request #892 · theforeman/foreman_rh_cloud · GitHub is open, but that repository uses an unusual branching strategy that makes it really hard to collaborate.
Foreman 3.12
- 3.12.0 release in progress: Foreman 3.12.0 release process
- Recently @ekohl found out why translations weren’t pulled fix. Refs #37833 - Fix file timestamp handling when pulling translations by ekohl · Pull Request #10326 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub got merged just now and needs to be cherry picked into 3.12 as part of Refs #37833 - Fix file timestamp handling when pulling translations by ekohl · Pull Request #10326 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub.
- @ekohl will write a deprecation release note for Ubuntu 20.04 so we can drop it with Foreman 3.13.
- @ColeHiggins2 doesn’t have a Jenkins account so he can’t kick off release_tarballs. @pcreech will do that for now since he needs to monitor that job for completion anyway.
- There’s a known issue with cockpit (Bug #37761: Cockpit integration fails with AH: Unsafe URL with %3f URL rewritten without UnsafeAllow3F in foreman-ssl_error_ssl.log - Foreman Remote Execution - Foreman) after a CVE fix in Apache on EL (currently not packaged for Debian, though add rex-cockpit for debian by evgeni · Pull Request #11261 · theforeman/foreman-packaging · GitHub will do that). There are 2 open PRs with alternative approaches: use upgrade=websocket where possible by evgeni · Pull Request #1185 · theforeman/puppet-foreman · GitHub and Fixes #37761 - Allow rewrites needed for cockpit integration by adamruzicka · Pull Request #1178 · theforeman/puppet-foreman · GitHub. Given the timing this will likely land in Foreman 3.12.1. Since the update is in Apache itself this also affects existing releases.
Foreman 3.11
- As discussed in Release team meeting 2024-09-16, there are 2 known issues that help users on 3.11. One is an upgrade issue so a 3.11.3 is needed. @ekohl will make sure the issues are aligned and picked if possible before he goes on vacation.
Foreman 3.10
- In preparing 3.12 and verifying issues it was noticed that Bug #37433: Cloudinit default generates invalid yaml output - Foreman should have been closed because the fix went into 3.10.2. This means it’s missing from the release notes.
- Goes EOL after 3.12 is GA, which is any moment now.
Katello 4.14
- GA got started
Katello 4.13
- There could be some issues that warrant a new .z, but the release owner for 4.13 wasn’t present.
Katello 4.12
- Like Foreman 3.10, will be EOL after 4.14 goes GA