Foreman nightly
- Zeitwerk merge was last week and currently cleaning up the loose ends. It’s mostly green and expected to be completed this week. Further updates in Rails 7 upgrade - #11 by ekohl.
Foreman 3.12
- Red Hat translators finished their translations and they were synced into Transifex, ready for plugin authors to pull.
- Critical issue (Bug #37817: Custom certificates will override server CA with default CA on foreman-proxy-content scenario - Installer - Foreman) for Katello found when using custom certs on content proxies. Now resolved.
- PostgreSQL upgrades could use the incorrect locales (Bug #37797: PostgreSQL 13 upgrade aborts when user locale doesn't match cluster locale - Installer - Foreman) and needs to be cherry picked.
GA prep tomorrow, but we’ll wait for Katello to also be released before we announce. This may mean we’ll technically release 3.12 GA bits tomorrow without announcing until Wednesday or Thursday. - 3.12.0 release procedure needs to be posted
Foreman 3.11
- 3.11.3 should be released next week due to the issues mentioned in 3.12 (Bug #37817: Custom certificates will override server CA with default CA on foreman-proxy-content scenario - Installer - Foreman & Bug #37797: PostgreSQL 13 upgrade aborts when user locale doesn't match cluster locale - Installer - Foreman). We’ll sync back up on Wednesday when 3.12 is hopefully done.
Katello 4.14
- RC3 released last week: Katello 4.14 RC3 is ready for testing
- Still 2 patches that need to be merged before GA. Likely Wednesday or Thursday that we can release.
- 4.14.0 release procedure needs to be posted
GA Wednesday