Release team meeting minutes 2022-01-26
Present: @ekohl (chair, minutes), @ezr-ondrej, @cintrix84
This time @ekohl kept notes just as he does for Infra SIG meetings.
Foreman 3.2
- Debian 11 support was merged earlier this week.
- This week module releases. Right now it’s unclear how much work is to be done due to 3.1.1, but still aiming to get it done this week.
- Next week the stablization period starts. This means any big changes should go in this week.
See the TODO and branching process for progress.
Foreman 3.1.1
- The Installer is ready. Another regression was found this morning but that’s been included. The PR has been merged.
- Bug #34300: Host form redirect relies on the primary interface being the first interface - Foreman should go in but is stuck on CI. @ekohl will look and merge if it’s unrelated. All other issues have been merged. Once merged, we can proceed with tagging.
See the TODO and the release process for progress.
Katello 4.3
- Katello 4.3.0 is still blocked on 3.1.1. Once that’s released, the release should go out. Follow the release process for progress.
- At the same time, @cintrix84 will start with the 4.3.1 process.
Katello 4.4
@iballou s release manager, he’s not here today so no updates.
Other business
More open sharing
@ekohl wanted to discuss this today, but due to the low availability of people this hasn’t been discussed. Independently it was raised by @Duncan_Innes that it’s hard to follow for people not involved.
One possible problem is that one person is both leading the meeting and keeping the notes. This is hard to combine. For future meetings @ekohl recommends to split these roles. In the Infra SIG meetings this has worked well. Also putting more effort in creating the agenda ahead of time will help. This means all attendees should add items, not just the chair. The release team should discuss further.