Release team meeting agenda 2022-02-14


  • 3.2
  • Status: Branching has been completed, should be able to deliver the RC1 today.


  • 4.4
  • Status: Branching is mostly complete beside a few PRs that are still waiting to be merged, work on RC1 will also start today, but will occur after Foreman RC1.


Katello 4.4:

  • Branching is mostly complete beside waiting on a couple of PR reviews on things like docs.

  • @iballou and I were not 100% sure what the final indication for being able to move into RC1 was, but after reviewing the release process it appeared most issues had been handled and work could begin.

  • Work for Katello 4.4 RC1 will begin today alongside Foreman 3.2 RC1.