Release team meeting agenda 2022-03-07



  • 4.4


3.2 RC 2 is out, there are still two issues this failure is also in Debian plugins test pipeline, the failure is in the install itself. @upadhyeammit is inquiring further about the errors.

There are two items remaining on the 3.2 GA redmine list:

  • 34505 is being worked on and is nearing being done.
    Where are modular repositories – how long will it take to complete the work?

  • 34126
    @evgeni thoughts: Thinks the work for the release itself is a one line change in foreman-infra. There are also changes to the documentation which should not be blocked on. @ekohl thinks we should do the one line change in foreman-infra and then continue with the documentation

3.0.2 – Still waiting on a foreman-packaging PR, but @pcreech is merging it now.


4.4 RC2, cherry-picks are out, but not fully released due to pulp-rpm-client missing in rpm/3.2, @Zhunting agreed to take care of that.

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