Release team meeting notes 2022-03-28

Chair: @upadhyeammit
Attendees: @Zhunting , @iballou

Notes of meeting:

Katello 4.4:

  • @iballou 4.4 is ready and should be announced today.

Proposals to changes in the process:

Continuation to agenda of 2022-03-16 meeting to combine Foreman and Katello release processes,

  • Actual release process should be effort of more than a day?

    • @Zhunting and @iballou agreed to the fact that there should be window for the release instead of exact release date planned.
  • There should be co-owner for the branching and release processes?

    • @Zhunting @iballou agreed on having co-owner for the process, this also means we need to have that person(s) all required rights on correct repositories.
  • How to minimize the delays in planned and actual delivery date? Considering combined release process will need more efforts to be on time?

    • @iballou : The Katello team is sometimes late to complete required to-do list to get delivery team started for next tasks. This ends up delaying the release to next day.
    • @iballou and @Zhunting agrees to have a window to do the release as there could be random challenges and hurdles to fix.
  • Do we need two individuals from delivery team to pull this off on time?

    • @Zhunting one person should be able to drive both releases.
  • Need to define what should be common and what requires attention from respective teams?

    • @Zhunting @iballou inclined to have one person to do cherry picks for both Foreman and Katello. The upside of this is faster progress, downside could be solving the merge conflicts. We agreed to try doing this and if code change is big then that specific cherry picks could be done by the maintainers of the project.
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