Remote execution does not seem to be working in Foreman 3.6/Katello 4.8, or after upgrade to 3.7/4.9


I have now discovered that the problem is that:
foreman-installer --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-remote-execution-ssh
no longer works, and now we need to do:
foreman-installer --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-remote-execution-script

So i have executed that, and now my remote execution jobs are working.

Once again, people needlessly breaking backwards-compatibility and making documentation obsolete and misleading, without bothering to update that documentation has wasted another day of my life.

So, how did I discover the solution you may wonder? Well, googling for answers didn’t give me any useful info, but in logging the issue above showed me similar tickets and i opened a few of them to read later, and then I found this:

From July '22:
Unable to install remote ssh execution proxy plugin - Support - TheForeman

Which links to:
Foreman Remote Execution Plugin Documentation - Support - TheForeman

And in there, there is a link to:
Update installer command for REX plugin by maximiliankolb · Pull Request #1301 · theforeman/foreman-documentation (

In which it is claimed on June 2, 2022 that the documentation has been updated, but later someone else complains:

Dzeri96 commented on Sep 19, 2022
Can I ask why these changes are not live? I just spent a lot of time wondering why this plugin won't install.

And then the excuses begin to flow.

The upshot of this is that a year after the need to update docs was flagged, the docs have still not been updated.

Ie if i go looking for the latest version of the docs available, i end up here:
Foreman :: Plugin Manuals
And those docs are STILL outdated and wrong, and say to use:


Very disappointing.

I have seen this sort of thing happen, time after time, year after year, and it always makes me wonder, why do developers bother developing features when they fail to document them? What is the point of any feature or product if it isn’t documented well enough to use it?

What is the point of changing :


if you then completely FAIL to document this, so all you have accomplished is make it impossible for anyone to get their remote execution plugin working?

I just wonder… like why… why do people do this…

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