Hi everyone,
first, thanks to everyone who is contributing moving the All Hosts
page to React - especially @jeremylenz - it is a great effort!
We would like to contribute and had a look at the new wizard for package management. The wizard allows to install, update and delete packages from hosts:
This wizard can be be used for one or multiple hosts. This is very convenient for one host or hosts with similar content. Now what if I have different OSes or different content for the hosts? At the moment, there is no limit to the host selection or what I can do to hosts that have different content.
While trying to integrate Debian packages, we were wondering where this is heading and what is a good way to provide the best user experience for those bulk actions.
Some initial thoughts are
- have all available packages of all hosts in a list (adds up to a lot of packages that cannot be installed across different hosts)
- extend the wizard have at least an rpm/deb filter (a bit better)
- extend the wizard to have a content view filter (at least, the package selection could be installed on all hosts with that have that particular content view)
- âŚ
We very much appreciate all thoughts. Maybe, there is even already a design that we have missed?
Just for the sake of completeness: Here is the starting point of the original discussion that I have now moved to this discourse: Fixes #37347 - Add Packages wizard to All Hosts page by jeremylenz ¡ Pull Request #10962 ¡ Katello/katello ¡ GitHub