ATM, the oVirt compute resource in Foreman use the deprecated v3 API, based on fog-ovirt/rbovirt. There is an issue in redmine that talk about oVirt API v4 migration. Is someone working on this ? Can I help on this topic ?
I think fog-ovirt will have to be mostly rewritten to use the ovirt-sdk. Do we want to keep the oVirt v3 API compatibility ? If yes, maybe creating a new compute resource (‘oVirt 4’, and rename the ‘oVirt’ one in ‘oVirt legacy’) and/or new fog-ovirt4 provider is the way to go ?
IMHO, as oVirt v4 includes some breaking changes, creating a new compute resource type and a new fog-ovirt4 provider will have some advantages:
- Don’t break current oVirt CR provider
- Ability to clean-up things without care of breaking something