Initially, Storybook was implemented to document our custom reusable components. However, as Foreman increasingly relies on mostly Patternfly components, it seems unnecessary to maintain the effort of documenting Foreman’s custom reusable components in Storybook, as there are less of them.
Instead, we should focus on documenting the purpose and usage guidelines for our custom reusable components, including details about their props, inside of the component code. However, visually showcasing them as we did in Storybook is not necessary.
Yes, the deployment at is broken due to our ancient Webpack. There is also an ancient deployment to the gh-pages branch of theforeman/foreman which will need to be removed.
I’ll likely be out on PTO when it gets merged, but I think anyone with commit access can remove branches. Assuming you use a remote named upstream the command is git push upstream :gh-pages but I’d recommend checking remotes with git remote -v and using git push --dry-run (or -n).