RFC: Rename Katello master branch to develop (match foreman)

Proposal to rename the main branch of the following repositories from master to develop (to be consistent with foreman.)

We don’t have a specific timeline for this, but it’s part of this Red Hat initiative

Known Breakages:

Would appreciate any comments on things that may break with this and need be fixed.

May be we could this for together for other hammer repositories as well (ones that don’t have a develop branch.) Check out these repositories.


Thank you for opening this.

I’m still of the opinion that it’s all useless virtue signaling. The consistency with Foreman is a stronger argument.

Someone already renamed that to main, creating even more inconsistency. This was needed to unbreak it:

Another thing that came to mind: Foreman has always used x.y-stable for stable branches. Have you considered how to handle that inconsistency?

I support this RFC.

Following with the consistency argument, I’d like to propose to rename the default branch in foreman-documentation from “master” to “develop” to align better with the Foreman ecosystem. This also helps moving towards more inclusive language.

I propose a small vote for all regular contributors of foreman-documentation. Is it OK to open a separate RFC and propose a deadline of two weeks to voice support or concerns?

cc @docs


With documentation I think nightly is better because that’s also what we publish to. You’d get a 1:1 mapping between branch names, effectively making it https://docs.theforeman.org/$branch. That simplifies things since you don’t need to make conditionals like we have today:

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