After working for about a year, provisioning (only for Rocky8) is broken because .treeinfo is saying AppStream is below BaseOS. Now, I ran into this back on Pulp2, and the easy fix was to modify .treeinfo and give it a correct path to find AppStream.
However, I have no idea how to do that with Pulp3. There is no .treeinfo file. There’s apparently no “usable” filesystem to find any file.
I have modified the kickstart default with suggestions from Foreman failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream': cannot download repomd.xml - #6 by Thulium-Drake and several other forum articles.
I even created a local filesystem repo for Rocky8-BaseOS just so I could get a .treeinfo to modify, then use that repo as my upstream for the repository in Foreman. That actually worked, but it didn’t get any package groupinfo, so while it completed a build, it was missing everything in @Core. (If it’s not one thing, it’s another)
I have deleted the Rocky8-AppStream repo and rebuilt it as simply AppStream…no help. Still wants to find it under http://…/Rocky8/Rocky8-BaseOS/AppStream.
This is what the .treeinfo looks like (I can apparently only get it using wget from the baseurl):
id = AppStream
name = AppStream
packages = AppStream/Packages
repository = AppStream
type = variant
uid = AppStream
Currently, the relevant section in kickstart looks like this:
<% @additional_media.each do |medium| -%>
<% if rhel_compatible &&"rocky") && os_major >= 8 && medium[:url] && medium[:url].include?("AppStream") -%>
<% appstream_present = true -%>
repo --name AppStream --baseurl <%= medium[:url] %>
<% else -%>
repo --name <%= medium[:name] %> --baseurl <%= medium[:url] %> <%= medium[:install] ? ' --install' : '' %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end %>
repo --name AppStream --baseurl http://foreman.server/pulp/content/org/Library/custom/Rocky_8/AppStream/ --install
I’m befuddled as I built a host a couple weeks ago, and when I tried a few days ago, I ran into all this. And this foreman server rarely gets touched. Usually just once a month for patching, and that happened before the successful build.
So, my main question is - how can we modify .treeinfo if we can’t even get to it?
(as an aside, I hate Pulp3. Once we upgraded to it, I had 3-4 months of constant issues related to it before finally getting stable back around October last year. Test environment was fine…only the two production environments had issues.)
Foreman and Katello versions:
Foreman 3.13
Katello 4.3.1
Distribution and version:
CentOS 7