Problem: After registration host has no repos or packages available
Expected outcome: yum repolist shows available repos
Foreman and Proxy versions: 3.12.1
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Distribution and version: Rocky Linux 8.10
Other relevant data:
subscription-manager list --available shows all of the repos in Foreman
The host is registered in Foreman, and shows a warning status: " No installed packages and/or enabled repositories have been reported by subscription-manager."
The content view for rocky9 show 3 repos added and sync’d
I’m not sure what I’m missing here…
Thanks in advance
You have to enable the repositories you need. By default, all repositories are disabled. Either set them individually for the registered host or use an activation key to set the initial repository set.
# subscription-manager repos --help
usage: subscription-manager repos [OPTIONS]
List the repositories which this system is entitled to use
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY_URL proxy URL in the form of hostname:port
--proxyuser PROXY_USER
user for HTTP proxy with basic authentication
--proxypassword PROXY_PASSWORD
password for HTTP proxy with basic authentication
--noproxy NO_PROXY host suffixes that should bypass HTTP proxy
Do not display progress messages
--list list all known repositories for this system
--list-enabled list known, enabled repositories for this system
--list-disabled list known, disabled repositories for this system
--enable REPOID repository to enable (can be specified more than once). Wildcards (* and ?) are supported.
--disable REPOID repository to disable (can be specified more than once). Wildcards (* and ?) are supported.