we have a RPM Repository where we upload manually rpm packages from a Vendor.
The uploaded file name is “gskcrypt64-”.
In the Webinterface Repo–>Packages we se the following name “gskcrypt64-8.0-55.29.x86_64”.
But when we do a “dnf install gskcrypt64” one a RHEL8 box we get an error 404 for the URL “https://foreman/pulp/repos/company/Library/custom/product/exampleRepo/Packages/g/gskcrypt64-8.0-55.29.x86_64.rpm”.
When I open the Repo in the browser I can download the package via this URL “https://foreman.ctie.etat.lu/pulp/repos/company/Library/custom/product/exampleRepo/Packages/g/gskcrypt64-”
Now the question. At what stage does foreman adds the “linux” to the filename. And where does foreman gets that information. Is that somewhere included in the rpm files?
Could I find the answer in some log files?
Expected outcome:
Foreman should not add the “linux” to the filename. The cpio file inside the rpm also does not have the “linux” in its name.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
- foreman-3.4.0-1.el8.noarch
- katello-4.6.0-1.el8.noarch
Distribution and version:
RHEL 8.6
Best Regards