Sending logs to ElasticSearch and Kibana

Hello there! I have improved instructions how to integrate Satellite with ElasticSearch and took the original Red Hat knowledgebase article from Portal to Github. It’s now hosted here:

It’s basically a document (README) with couple of configuration files. Volunteers needed for putting this into Ansible or Puppet (installer) form. Have fun and report bugs!


I am interested in this, so one of my trainees will test it and work on the Puppet code in his next free slot. I hope to have a result afterwards.


Thanks Dirk, I noticed that request UUID from smart proxy is not being populated, I will fix this by updating foreman.conf this week. Make sure to pull the latest version from the git repo.

If you want to puppetize this work with @ekohl however I remember he expressed some concerns about pulling another component under foreman-installer control: rsyslog.

Hi there, I am said trainee.

And i can proudly say: “It works.”, yet it can be optimized - probably a lot. You can check it out here:

Help would be appreciated, especially because I ain’t a expert on the topic - yet, but I’ll try to continue to work on this in my spare time during other slots.

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Thanks, I’ve put a link to your git repo in