Problem: Hello,
I want to set/update content view on a host via ansible, it’s possible to achieve this using API? I didn’t find anything on the foreman API doc API documentation
Really need your help!
I know that is possible with hammer cli.
Problem: Hello,
I want to set/update content view on a host via ansible, it’s possible to achieve this using API? I didn’t find anything on the foreman API doc API documentation
Really need your help!
I know that is possible with hammer cli.
Foreman Ansible Modules’ host
module seems to allow you to set the content view: module – Manage Hosts — Ansible Documentation
To set via the API, you’ll need the content view ID and lifecycle environment ID. Then you can update the host via PUT /api/v2/hosts/:id by sending the parameters
For example, if the host ID is 2, CV ID is 2 and LCE ID is 1:
PUT /api/v2/hosts/2
with the request payload like
Side note: I would recommend to always look at the API doc at your local foreman, at
, this has the benefit that the docs always match your running Foreman version and includes the API information for all your installed plugins.
hoo how did I miss the ansible doc
it was there crystal and clear… Thanks @jeremylenz I managed to test with ansible and was successful, and I will try the with API later today.