First of all, thanks to @evgeni for his help about r10k, this guide wouldn’t be here without him
r10k is a tool to deploy Puppet environments and modules, g10k is a fork in go with a focus on performance.
|- Environment
|- Common steps
__|-- Install r10k
__|-- Dependencies
__|-- Configure sources
__|-- The Hammer
|- One Smart Proxy, on Foreman Host
__|-- Method 1: r10k postrun executes Hammer
__|-- Method 2: r10k postrun executes a custom script
____|— Deploy the custom script
____|— r10k postrun the script
____|— The script
|- Multiple Smart Proxies
__|-- Prerequisites
__|-- Smart Proxies
____|— Edit the Puppet user
__|-- Foreman
____|— Key pair
____|— Deploy the custom script
____|— r10k postrun the script
____|— The script
|- Deploying environments
|- ToDo
|- Feedback
|- Changes
This tutorial has been tested with EL9/Foreman 3.11.0/Puppet 7/r10k - it may require modifications on different versions/distributions
Common Steps
Install r10k
Install r10k manually with gem install r10k
or use the VoxPupuli’s puppet-r10k module
If using Puppet cache, install curl
Configure sources
Edit /etc/puppetlabs/r10k/r10k.yaml
(see the official example here) to add at least a valid source:
remote: ''
basedir: '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments'
The Hammer
Ensure the Hammer CLI was installed using foreman-installer --foreman-cli-* parameters and has the right credentials in /root/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml
with --foreman-cli-username
, --foreman-cli-password
and --foreman-cli-manage-root-config
Puppet in secure_path
Using sudo visudo
ensure that Puppet is in secure_path
, like:
Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin
One Smart Proxy, on Foreman Host
Method 1: r10k postrun executes Hammer
Simpler to set up, but does not allow for environment cache usage or anything else than a single Hammer CLI action.
Edit /etc/puppetlabs/r10k/r10k.yaml
to add a r10k postrun to reload Puppet environments:
postrun: ['hammer', 'proxy', 'import-classes', '--id', '1']
remote: ''
basedir: '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments'
Method 2: r10k postrun executes a custom script
Deploy the custom script
Deploy your script manually or through Puppet, here there is an example code with all the necessary information:
file {
before => Class['r10k'],
mode => '0751',
group => 'root',
owner => 'root',
selrange => 's0',
selrole => 'object_r',
seltype => 'bin_t',
seluser => 'system_u',
ensure => directory,
source => 'edit-your-source-accordingly',
This setup is based on the content of /opt/puppetlabs/puppet
r10k postrun the script
Edit /etc/puppetlabs/r10k/r10k.yaml
to add a r10k postrun that runs a custom script:
- "/opt/foreman-r10k/"
remote: ''
basedir: '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments'
The script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Purge Puppet Server cache
# See
puppet_ca_cert="$(puppet config print cacert)"
puppet_cert="$(puppet config print hostcert)"
puppet_key="$(puppet config print hostprivkey)"
# Proxy name is not guaranteed to be the hostname, take the URL and remove protocol and port
proxy="$(sudo hammer --csv --no-headers proxy list --per-page all --fields url | sed -E 's#https?://##; s#:.*##')"
curl --cert "$puppet_cert" \
--key "$puppet_key" \
--cacert "$puppet_ca_cert" \
-X DELETE "https://$proxy:8140/puppet-admin-api/v1/environment-cache"
# Import classes
hammer proxy import-classes --name "$proxy"
Multiple Smart Proxies
Install rsync on Foreman and all the Smart Proxies
package { 'rsync':
ensure => present,
And generate a public/private key pair that will be used to use rsync between the hosts
Smart Proxies
Edit the Puppet user
Allow login to the Puppet user and a shell creation. Example with sshkeys_core:
user { 'puppet':
purge_ssh_keys => true,
shell => '/bin/bash',
ssh_authorized_key { 'puppet':
ensure => present,
user => 'puppet',
type => 'ssh-ed25519',
key => 'your-public-key-here',
When testing ssh auth, it may fail because (on EL see /var/log/secure
- the puppet user has been locked because it has no password, set it to have no password and allow only SSH login with
sudo usermod -p '*' puppet
- the puppet user home has “wrong” permissions,
sudo chmod 750 /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
should fix it
Key pair
Place the public and private keys in /root/.ssh
, and test the ssh connection between the hosts:
ssh -i /root/.ssh/your-private-key -l puppet
This will also allow to accept the smart proxy’s public key.
Deploy the custom script
Deploy your script manually or through Puppet, here there is an example code with all the necessary information:
file {
before => Class['r10k'],
mode => '0751',
group => 'root',
owner => 'root',
selrange => 's0',
selrole => 'object_r',
seltype => 'bin_t',
seluser => 'system_u',
ensure => directory,
source => 'edit-your-source-accordingly',
This setup is based on the content of /opt/puppetlabs/puppet
r10k postrun the script
Edit /etc/puppetlabs/r10k/r10k.yaml
to add a r10k postrun that runs a custom script:
- "/opt/foreman-r10k/"
remote: ''
basedir: '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments'
The script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# List available proxies and remove the Foreman server itself
# It is not safe to make assumptions about id going from 1 to latest_proxy_id,
# as proxies might have been removed/readded, take the URL and remove protocol/port
# as name == hostname is not always true
proxy_list="$(sudo hammer --csv --no-headers proxy list --per-page all --fields url | sed -E 's#https?://##; s#:.*##' | tail -n +2)"
code_dir="$(puppet config print codedir)"
# If there are smart proxies, cycle through them
if [ "$proxy_list" ]; then
for proxy in $proxy_list
# Sync environments to the other smart proxies
if [[ "$proxy" != "$HOSTNAME" ]]; then
rsync --quiet --recursive --delete \
--rsh "ssh -i /root/.ssh/your-private-key" \
"$code_dir/" \
# SSH into the proxies and purge cache
ssh -i /root/.ssh/your-private-key puppet@"$proxy" 'curl \
--cert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.pem \
--key /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/$HOSTNAME.pem \
--cacert /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ca/ca_crt.pem \
-X DELETE "https://$HOSTNAME:8140/puppet-admin-api/v1/environment-cache"'
# And import the Puppet classes
hammer proxy import-classes --name "$proxy"
Deploying environments
If everything is setup correctly, sudo r10k deploy environment --modules --generate-types --verbose
should deploy all the environments/modules and import them in Foreman (or tell you what’s wrong…)
- Integrate this tutorial into documentation
Always welcome, please comment
2024-07-16_12.30: first version
2024-07-19_10.10: Add single smart proxy script, document test environment, added ToDo
2024-07-19_15.30: add multiple smart proxies instructions, minor improvements to scripts to make them more flexible
2024-07-22_09.40: small script fixes, add cache purge for multiple smart proxies
2024-10-03_16.10: Known issues with SSH auth on smart proxy, edit multiple proxies script to cut first proxy in list (as it’s Foreman itself, it would result in rsync with the same source/destination)