Some hosts added via API not showing


Imported a set of servers via the API using a script I wrote (note: not using hammer, but the REST API)

Expected outcome:

Expected that all servers show under /hosts (UI or API), however a few are missing. None gave an error when adding them. I cannot re-add them because it says they already exist, and I can’t delete them because it says they don’t exist! Perhaps adding them in parallel caused some kind of race condition.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Version 3.10.0

Distribution and version:

CentOS 8.6

I do see it in the psql db:

foreman=# select * from hosts where name = '';
 66 | |              |             | 2024-08-29 19:07:29.983322 | 2024-08-29 19:07:29.983322 |           |               1 |                  2 |       136 |        18 | f     |         |      |              |          |            7 |       10 | User       | t       |                  1 | t       |           |
  |      |                     |               1 |          |          |               1 |           4 |      |     |          |                    |                  |           |             0 | |            |              |              |         10 |

but hammer can’t find it:

$ hammer host info --name
Error: host not found.
$ hammer host info --id 66
Resource host not found by id '66'

Looks like the host was partially added. I deleted it manually where I could find it in pgsql and was able to re-add:

delete from nics where host_id = 66;
delete from host_puppet_facets where host_id = 66;
delete from hosts where id = 66;

I was then able to re-add it successfully.