Sorry for this post, but FINALLY! Thanks to the mods to :)

Before 3 weeks ago I never worked with foreman, now, after those 3 weeks of asking idiotic questions here, I HAVE A FULLY CUSTOMIZED WORKING SETUP!!!

So thank you all for helping me, and allowed my idiotic questions here :smiley:
The curve is very steap to learn it (documentation is not always up to date or clear about it) I am SO happy now!

(PS: This post is not sarcasm I am really happy now (you know that rush that you get after learning something?)


Delighted to hear you have made progress.

Can you tell us where things were too steep for you? What wasn’t explained well? You’ll help the person who comes after you that way :slight_smile:

Well for example, to make the remote ssh execution possible (My deployed hosts are debian) I had to make a custom snippet containing " echo PermitRootLogin yes >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config ".

Also, I noticed that the system runs smoother if your foreman is RedHat or CentOs. If you run it on debian not all functionality is there (openscap) and plugins are not as stable.

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Oh, and the CA certificates made a lot of stress to :wink:
When deploying a debian system, I need to delete the certificate, run puppet agent --test, sign the certificat on the foreman server.

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You should be able to use a different user and give it sudo permissions. I think Foreman :: Plugin Manuals describes that.

Another option is to use PermitRootLogin without-password if you use SSH keys to log in. That at least reduces the risk by disallowing password logins for root.

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To be honest, it would help if the foreman-installer is more transparant, that the verbosity is by default more. When I installed version 1, I saw that the installer does a lot, and from that I learned how foreman is working.