State of translations - Foreman 3.14


We are currently in the process leading up to branching 3.14 and just wrapped up extracting the strings. Branching 3.14 and pulling in translations will be occurring on 2025-02-18. As part of this process, we update translations before each release candidate and the final GA release. Depending on the number of release candidates, there will be approximately 4 to 6 weeks to translate the new strings.

If you are a plugin maintainer, please extract the strings so translators can do their work.

The RC1 and RC2 dates are 2025-02-18 and 2025-03-04.

Please refer to the scheduling and planning post for more information and dates: Foreman 3.14 Schedule and Planning

Below are the stats for all languages we currently have translations for in repositories, out of 14.49k source strings (including strings from plugins):

Language Language code Percentage
Bengali bn 2.57%
Bengali (India) bn_IN 3.54%
Catalan ca 26.63%
Chinese zh 0.00%
Chinese (China) zh_CN 97.19%
Chinese (Taiwan) zh_TW 42.37%
Czech (Czech Republic) cs_CZ 39.66%
Dutch (Netherlands) nl_NL 11.51%
English (United Kingdom) en_GB 12.8%
English (United States) en_US 0.00%
Estonian (Estonia) et_EE 0.00%
French fr 97.44%
Galician gl 10.38%
Georgian ka 89.49%
German de 78.33%
German (Austria) de_AT 0.00%
German (Germany) de_DE 4.96%
Greek el 13.61%
Gujarati gu 4.16%
Hebrew (Israel) he_IL 0.66%
Hindi hi 3.67%
Indonesian id 2.15%
Italian it 35.13%
Japanese ja 97.25%
Kannada kn 3.54%
Korean ko 89.93%
Luri (Bakhtiari) bqi 0.00%
Malayalam (India) ml_IN 0.00%
Marathi mr 3.55%
Odia or 3.69%
Panjabi (Punjabi) pa 3.57%
Polish pl 21.24%
Polish (Poland) pl_PL 0.00%
Portuguese pt 0.09%
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR 73.3%
Romanian ro 0.00%
Romanian (Romania) ro_RO 0.10%
Russian ru 44.81%
Slovenian sl 2.37%
Spanish es 76.29%
Swedish (Sweden) sv_SE 13.29%
Tamil ta 2.58%
Tamil (India) ta_IN 3.51%
Telugu te 3.54%
Turkish tr 1.11%
Vietnamese vi 0.00%
Vietnamese (Viet Nam) vi_VN 0.00%

If you are a native speaker of any of the above languages and would like to contribute to the translations, please see Translating - Foreman for more information about how to do so. The procedure is very straightforward, as it is carried out using an easy-to-use web application that shows the strings to be translated and requests input. Please contact me if you are an active translator and want to become a coordinator or reviewer for your language.

If you believe that certain languages should be added or that we should avoid pulling translations for some languages that may have a poor translation rate, please let us know in the comments section below.

For the plugins I went over them yesterday. Anything listed on Foreman landscape with i18n where were changes to the .pot file are:

I already know there are a bunch of plugins that have pending changes in Transifex where I didn’t submit the PR yet. At least:

Then I also saw katello and hammer-cli-katello had some pending changes, but I’ll leave that to the Katello team.

Then lastly there’s a weird issue where for foreman_templates the Spanish translations have been replaced by Chinese and I’m not sure why, but I’m investigating it.

And to fix the Spanish translations in foreman_templates: i18n - pulling from tx by ekohl · Pull Request #196 · theforeman/foreman_templates · GitHub