Steps to register clients to Ubuntu without goferd

Need steps - how to check apt updates in Ubuntu?

I understand earlier goferd was responsible for pushing errata updates to Katello.
Since goferd is deprecated need steps to understand how to confirm correct package upload is happening?

I have followed doc to register system.

Now need next steps. Something as mentioned in Red Hat guide

I don’t think I understand what you are trying to do. Are you looking for CV workflows? How to install updates on APT based systems (Ubuntu/Debian) using REX? Errata support for APT based systems is not yet part of upstream Katello (See Fixes #25978 - Debian Errata support by m-bucher · Pull Request #7961 · Katello/katello · GitHub).

@maximilian might be able to point you at the best place for general APT/deb related workflow docs.

Hi @Harshad

all three big guides, Content Management Guide, Provisioning Guide, and Managing Hosts Guide, have instructions for Debian based systems. If not, then it’s a bug. Feel free to open an issue against foreman-documentation or let us know what you’re missing exactly.

Maybe Configuring and Setting Up Remote Jobs is a good starting point for you.

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To make it more clear with the ask, I am following below Steps to register Ubuntu client with foreman

# mv /etc/apt/sources.list /root/ #### to take backup of existing configuration

# wget --no-check-certificate -O katello-rhsm-consumer https://foreman_host/pub/katello-rhsm-consumer

# bash -vx katello-rhsm-consumer

# subscription-manager register --org="IT" --activationkey="Ubuntu"

# apt-get install apt-transport-katello

# apt update

Optional command

# /usr/bin/package-profile-upload

What I am looking for is:
Is there any additional steps I should be following ? eg.
apt-get install katello-host-tools-tracer

same what’s given here in RH Goferless Host Management article

This is missing in Managing Hosts guide

Looks need to raise documentation Bug as the steps are missing.

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