Subscription-manager on OEL9

Hi all

We are migrating some servers from OEL7 to OEL9. I’ve been using the COPR repository for subscription-manage, which - after disabling rhn- works well for EL7 and EL8.

Unfortunately for EL9, I have tried installing it and keep getting the python dependency error below

  • nothing provides python(abi) = 3.6 needed by subscription-manager-1.29.31-1.el8.x86_64 from Foreman-EL8
    (try to add ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages or ‘–nobest’ to use not only best candidate packages)

Would also like to use a new Foreman repository (if there is one) for EL9.

Can anyone help?

info from one of our EL8 machines:

dependency: python(abi) = 3.6
provider: platform-python-3.6.8-56.0.1.el8_9.i686
provider: platform-python-3.6.8-56.0.1.el8_9.x86_64

this comes from the EL8 base repo.

Installed Packages
Name : platform-python
Version : 3.6.8
Release : 56.0.1.el8_9
Architecture : x86_64
Size : 40 k
Source : python3-3.6.8-56.0.1.el8_9.src.rpm

Is there a way to get this dependency on EL9 so I can install subsciption-manager

Can’t you just take an EL9 build of subscription-manager from, e.g. CentOS 9 Stream?

That will have the “right” Python deps.

good shout. I’ve just taken that repo url and got it working. Added below and it grabs what it needs

baseurl = Index of /9-stream/BaseOS/x86_64/os

any idea on getting katello-host-tools and host-tools-tracer on EL9? These are from the Foreman EL8 repo we have and also complains about the same missing python(abi) dep

Have you tried our normal client repos?


perfect, thank you