Hey team,
I am using Foreman server 3.10 with Katello 4.12 plugin,
I would like to know what I am doing wrong,
I have indeed installed the subscription manager on Ubuntu and RHEL as well and attached both hosts to The Foreman successfully.
Now I am encountering an error on suse 12.5, with the installation of Subscription-manager
I am trying to install a subscription manager on SUSE12,
Missed packages in SLES12SP5 ATIX repository:
The installation of subscription-manager requires to install following packages:
python-M2Crypto, python-dateutil, python-decorator, python-ethtool, python-iniparse, python-syspurpose, subscription-manager, subscription-manager-rhsm, subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates, virt-what
On atix site following packages are missed:
python-M2Crypto, python-dateutil, python-decorator, python-ethtool, python-iniparse, virt-what
We can install from the original SLES repositorie following packages:
python-M2Crypto, python-dateutil, python-decorator, python-ethtool
But packages: python-iniparse and virt-what are not available.
Error: File ‘./python-iniparse-0.4-10.noarch.rpm’ not found on medium ‘Index of /SLES12SP5 ’
What should I do??