Support for creatin VMware tags

Hi Team,
I am useing in our company Foreman for provisioning VM in the Vmware Compute Resource.
I would like to add tag in the process of creation a new machine or maybe also after.
Any change to know what is the status of this feature? I sow request in the past.

Thanks :slight_smile:


It is tracked here - Feature #6207: Please add support for VMware tags - Foreman (

Looks like not much movement. We are currently adding Secure Boot and NVME controller support currently to VMware, so maybe this can be tackled next?

It was open almost opened 10 years ago.
Today we are using for a lot of things with tags I hope we will see any progress.

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With that request being so old, it would probably be faster to use webhooks to run a shellhook to apply those tags using a script.